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MVP share offer reopens

4 Oct 2023

Six months after originally closing our successful Community Share Offer, we are now ready to reopen it to welcome more members and offer existing members the opportunity to increase their investment. Since closing the Share Offer in April, MVP has focused on venue purchases and grant funding applications but following consultation with the Community Shares Unit at Co-Operatives UK we have today re-opened our Community Share Offer on Crowdfunder.

Please feel free to share the link - - with anyone you think would like to join us and you are also welcome to invest further as we take our next steps towards our collective goal to #OwnOurVenues.

All members should have now received their Community Share Certificates via email. The certificates are PDF format and can be opened on a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat (which you can download for free). If you have any issues displaying the file then please check the file extension is named as .pdf at the end.

Please check the email address you registered with us when you invested and junk folders. If you have any issues, or need any amendments made to your certificate, then please email info[at]musicvenueproperties[dot]com

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