Additional £150,000 secured from Community Ownership Fund

23 Dec 2024
Following on from our award of £249,999 from UK Government earlier in the year we are very happy to share the news that our 2nd bid to the Community Ownership Fund, for £150,000 for The Bunkhouse in Swansea, has today been announced as successful!!
“We are delighted that the government has recognised MVPs innovative work alongside The Bunkhouse’s mission to provide culture to the local Swansea community, with this Community Ownership Fund grant.
Those who have been following the story of The Bunkhouse will know that MVP managed to buy The Bunkhouse earlier with the help of a loan from Swansea Council. This was necessary at the time, as although we had applied for this grant in April, the election delayed the response and the venue was being marketed on the open market as a ‘development opportunity’.
We are very grateful to UK Government for the COF grant, which resolves all our longer term concerns, and remain thankful to Swansea Council whose support gave MVP the assurance to purchase the property back in August. We now hope to use the loan to develop the Kingsway side of the building, working alongside The Bunkhouse and its community to explore possible uses for the cities creatives.”
Matt Otridge - MVP COO.
You can read more about the award here and some local press coverage here